Installation phase

We found evidence of the webserver getting compromised via brute-force attack by the attacker using a python script to automate getting the correct password. The attacker used the IP for the attack and the IP to log in to the server.

The installation phase investigates any payload/malicious program uploaded to the server from any attacker’s IPs and installed into the compromised server.

Narrow down any http traffic coming into our server containing the term .exe. This query may not lead to the findings, but it is good to start from one extension and move forward.

index=botsv1 sourcetype=stream:http dest_ip="" *.exe

Look for the fields that could have some values of our interest. Also look at the missing fields and there a field part_filename{} shows up.

The field part_filename{} contains the two file names: an executable file 3791.exe and a PHP file agent.php.

To find if any of these two files came from the IP addresses that were found to be associated with the attack earlier, click on the file name, then look for the field c_ip.

Was this file executed on the server after being uploaded?

We have found that file 3791.exe was uploaded to the server. Was this file executed on the server?

To narrow down the search query to show the logs from the host-centric log sources:

index=botsv1 "3791.exe"

Leverage sysmon and look at the EventCode=1 for program execution:

index=botsv1 "3791.exe" sourcetype="XmlWinEventLog" EventCode=1


Sysmon also collects the Hash value of the processes being created. What is the MD5 hash of the program 3791.exe?


Looking at the logs, which user executed the program 3791.exe on the server?


Search the hash on the virustotal. What other name is associated with this file 3791.exe?
